The Spiritual Invitation of Coronavirus.

Coronavirus has arrived and is causing quite a stir internationally in economic markets, travel, health care, public gatherings, and even religious services. Attending the International Mass at la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona in early February, the Celebrant explained that due to the virus we would receive only the Bread and not the Wine of Holy Communion and that at the “Kiss of Peace” we should acknowledge one another with a bow without making physical contact. As individuals, families and communities try to navigate the outbreak with scarce information about transmission, we have plentiful opportunity to reflect on our relationships and connectedness within the world wide web of humanity.

As we become aware of the ways in which the virus can be transmitted, we realize how connected and inter-dependent we really are.  We become aware of our natural impulse to greet, to touch one another, and we must decide on an appropriate and mindful alternative, an elbow touch or a Namaste bow.  And we learn that our own unconscious habit of touching our face is the doorway for this virus.  One expert suggests wearing a mask not for prevention but for mindfulness of how often we touch our own face (90 times per day!).  We might adopt a practice of mindfulness of touch, a glove, a bangle or a scarf that simply brings awareness to how we use our hands.  we also begin to recognize our connection to other people through touch of objects.  How many others have touched the key pad today? The grocery cart? The door handle?  Use your handkerchief or sani-wipe as a blessing for all those who have gone before and will come after.  

If we respond out of fear, viewing other people as potential threats, we might try to isolate ourselves. But it is almost impossible to extricate ourselves from the expansive web of human connection. In fact, we are all in this together, and we could find ourselves on either end of the transmission at any time. What we need to do is enter more deeply into community to take collective action to minimize the spread of the virus, for the benefit of all. Communicate good information. Share good hygiene. Take precautions for ourselves and others. Act with compassion to make connections with eye contact, hand to the heart, and other non-contact ways that convey our respect and responsibility. Namaste.

Full Moon Satsang: March 1, 7:30 p.m.

The Moon is full in Virgo on March 1st.

Satsang has been very juicy lately as we explore the five root afflictions–the klesha.

It seems like a good time to gather for a special evening satsang, to chant and dive in a little deeper on our painful patterns of mind.

Please join us at the Chrysalis studio at 7:30 p.m. on March 1st.

New Year’s Day Full Moon Reflection 2018

January 1, 2018
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
at Pleasure Point Yoga
Gather under the Full Moon for an hour of Chanting, Pranayama and Meditation, as we open to the promise of a New Year.  The Full Moon, always a powerful time for tuning in to our deeper waters, rising on New Year’s Day calls us to slow down, reflect, and move forward with clear intention.
During the Full Moon, the tides are high, the veils are thinned and our consciousness is heightened.  We come together in the light of the Moon, creating a circle of intention, to breathe, reflect, and chant ancient mantras of light, transformation, healing, and peace.
Sherry Cassedy will lead the evening as we join our voices, our breath, and our intentions.
“At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me.”

Monday Morning Satsang at PPY

Morning Satsang

Every Monday morning from 7:30 – 8:30am

At Pleasure Point Yoga, Santa Cruz

Free and open to all!

Pleasure Point Yoga’s Monday morning Satsang is a unique (and free) opportunity to delve deeper into the esoteric teachings of Yoga in the company of one another. It is a great introduction for anyone who is curious to learn more, and an open invitation to revisit and share in the supported space of the Sangha as we deepen our practice.

We are currently finishing a review of Book One (through I.34) to integrate and will be diving back into Book Two in early November. it is a great time for newcomers. Sherry Cassedy will be leading through November 20, and then Aerielle Webber will lead through December 18. Join us.

“Satsang” is a Sanskrit word derived from “sat”, meaning truth, and “sanga”, meaning community. In Satsang, we gather together, in community to seek truth or, more simply, to be with the truth. We create the space with chanting, light, and intention, gentle rituals that help us to dedicate this hour to our study and practice and to one another.

Halloween’s Eve Special Satsang

UnMasking The Truth of Who We Are

Monday, October 30th, 7:15 – 8:30pm

At Pleasure Point Yoga, Santa Cruz, CA

Halloween fun includes playing with masks and costumes to change or disguise ourselves. In this pre-Hallow’s Eve Satsang, we will explore the everyday masks we wear that hide our true identity, even from ourselves.   What are the masks we wear and why? Who are we really? How do we know the truth of who we are?

Sherry Cassedy will draw on Yogic wisdom to explore these questions engaging students with self-exploration and discussion, closing with pranayama and meditation.

We hope this evening Satsang will allow students who are unable to join Sherry’s regular Monday morning Satsang at PPY, an opportunity to come together in community to explore the natural connections between our experience, the world around us and the worlds within. Come dive in!

Free and open to all; No prior study required.

Upcoming Teaching for September

Two Wings of Yoga Sutra Session at I AM Yoga rescheduled for September 19.

Following on Bhavani’s Sutra Discussion in July, Sherry will lead 2-hour session on morning of 9/19,
6:45 -8:45 a.m. at I AM Yoga.  Join us for sunrise session and discussion of Patanjali’s two-pronged method for calming the mind.
Sharing the Path of Yoga, Yoga Flow and Dharma Talk on Head and Heart-led Practice with Aimee Joy at Pleasure Point Yoga.
Saturday, September 9, 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. at Pleasure Point Yoga.  Join us for a gentle flow, juicy discussion and yin closing.  More information and registration at
Sherry will also be teaching the Tuesday evening 7:15 p.m. Yin class at Pleasure Point Yoga for the next three weeks, starting tonight!
And of course the regular Monday morning Satsang at Pleasure Point Yoga, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. every week.

Special Solar Eclipse Satsang August 21

Sherry leads Satsang gathering at Pleasure Point Yoga every Monday morning, 7:30 – 8:30.

On August 21, the day of total solar eclipse, Sherry will offer a special satsang to explore and connect with the power of the eclipse and the deeper opening it invites.

Come chant and breathe and share in the radiance.

Sutra Exploration: Two Wings of Yoga, August 22

Sutra Study with Sherry

Tuesday Morning, August 22, 6:45-8:45 a.m.,

I AM YOGA, El Granada.

Suggested donation: $10-$20


Join us in the wake of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse (August 21) to delve further into the ancient and yet practical wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra.

Building on Bhavani Maki’s teaching of Patanjali’s definition of Yoga, we will explore Patanjali’s lesson on the tried and true method for calming the stormy nature of the mind.

Equipoise in asana practice is supported by balancing two essential components—practice and dispassion. The sutra guide the physical practice but also the practice of yoga in our lived experience.

Sherry Cassedy ( has studied with Bhavani for 14 years and edited her first book, The Yogi’s Roadmap. Sherry will build on the Sutra foundation that Bhavani has laid in her workshops, integrating the deeper teachings of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras with our physical asana practice, bringing the teachings home to our embodied experience.

Final of Three EnChanted Evenings, August 21

“We’re about to enter the twilight zone – a lunar month that begins with a Leo New Moon, which grows into a partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius/Leo and ends with another Leo New Moon that is also a powerful Solar Eclipse.
“This is the month when we reclaim our heart’s power to transform our life with love.
“This is a month to open to the power of creation and let it rip through our psyches until we are breathless with the fun and wonder of the Light. This is the month to step into our heart’s power.
Mystic  For full reading: 

In honor of the powerful New Moon July 23 , Full Moon on August 7 with partial Lunar Eclipse, and New Moon with Full Solar Eclipse on August 21  I will be chanting on the three MoonDay nights, July 24, August 7, and August 21, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Chrysalis studio, 111 Moran Way.

The power of our intention when we chant mantra on the Full and New Moon and especially on the Eclipse is multiplied many fold.  Join me for the simple practice of chanting.  From the ancient Gayatri, combined with the Tryambaka for transition from life to death, to the Peace pact, the Mangala mantra for Well Being of all, and the complex Hanuman Chalisa, we will raise our voices and breath, and send our powerful intention out into the universe.
Donation only.  Bring a friend.  Let me know if you will be here so I can plan accordingly.
It is a powerful time to support one another in our becoming and to sing our hearts out.
When we chant.sing, we pray twice.  Unknown.